The sea laps at the door of the Espacio 3 art gallery with all its force, colour, forms and hues in Mariano Fernández Cornejo’s new painting exhibition.
Cornejo’s work, which is on show from November 8-28 on the gallery’s ‘fifth wall’, has been especially adapted for the small display area.
The constraints of a reduced format have provided the artist with an opportunity to develop his painting along new lines while building on his current work.
For his interpretation of reality, Cornejo uses diverse pictorial processes to discover new means of communication which have their roots in the festive beauty of colour, and in water as a medium and a process of discovery and life.
In fact the theme of the sea has always been an important part of this Málaga artist’s oeuvre, but in this exhibition M.F. Cornejo’s new techniques fine-tune the expressiveness of his acrylic work, a medium in which he is a master at capturing water in all its facets.
The inauguration is on Friday, November 8 at 8pm.
Galeria Espacio 3
Calle Granada 64-1º (next door to the El Pimpi Bodegas)
Open Tuesdays-Saturdays, 12 noon-2pm and 6-9pm.
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