Andalucians are not just passionate about bull-fighting. Basketball, or "baloncesto" is huge here!
Unicaja, (as the team is known since Baloncesto Málaga is sponsored by the well known bank) is in the premier league and attracts huge support.
Finally, one Sunday last month I had the opportunity to go to a game. Often, as I would drive into Málaga, I would pass the huge copper-roofed stadium by the motorway. This time I was to experience the buzz of a game inside. The crowd was so diverse – families, girlfriends, blokes, kids – all looking forward to a great morning out. The music was thumping inside the stadium as we looked for our seats, whilst the team mascot clowned around with the spectators, and the cheerleaders warmed up and stretched. For me it was more like a scene from the States than Spain, but in reality baloncesto is a major part of modern Spanish culture.
I have to say, I kinda of got into it. The fast paced structure of the game makes for a compelling dynamism, and hey, its good to know one´s local team is amongst the best in the Europe!
Unicaja Málaga
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